Our Mission Statement

Our Mission Statement

We are an active globally-minded group from Remuera Intermediate School in Auckland New Zealand, that are concerned about the important issues of today. We align ourselves with the values programme of our school and endeavour to make a difference to our school and our community. We will organise special days throughout the year to build awareness of global issues such as the environment and peace. We will concentrate on service and being of benefit to others. Our time to change the world is at our Friday lunchtime meetings with Mr Zemke in the Media Room.

Monday 8 May 2017

World Environmental Care Day!!!


Because World Environment Day is happening later this term on 5 June, the Social Changency wants to help the community of the school to be more aware of environmental issues and to seriously consider what can be done at school to improve our environment.

World Environment Day (WED) occurs on 5 June every year, is the United Nation's principal vehicle for encouraging worldwide awareness and action for the protection of our environment. First held in 1974, it has been a flagship campaign for raising awareness on emerging environmental issues from marine pollution and global warming, to sustainable consumption and wildlife crime.
save the environment save the world  save humanaty

1 comment:

  1. When your website or blog goes live for the first time, it is exciting. That is until you realize no one but you and your. environmental social
