Our Mission Statement

Our Mission Statement

We are an active globally-minded group from Remuera Intermediate School in Auckland New Zealand, that are concerned about the important issues of today. We align ourselves with the values programme of our school and endeavour to make a difference to our school and our community. We will organise special days throughout the year to build awareness of global issues such as the environment and peace. We will concentrate on service and being of benefit to others. Our time to change the world is at our Friday lunchtime meetings with Mr Zemke in the Media Room.

Friday, 30 October 2015

Later in 2015 our school will participate in 'Service Weeks' over two weeks

Service Weeks 2015

Our latest video introduces service to our school. It explores what service means and why it is important.

From 23 November until 4 December classrooms at Remuera Intermediate School in Auckland New Zealand will be performing service projects.

Get involved. 

Service gives us purpose.

Tuesday, 20 October 2015

Live for Awesome

Dream Big, Achieve More

Cam Calkoen

On Wednesday last week we were lucky enough to have Cam Calkoen visit the year 8s at assembly.

It was incredible, Cam gave a very life changing speech which was AWESOME!(awesome is Cam's favourite word). It was very motivational and Cam told us to dream big, achieve more unless you really don't believe in your dream then you may need to find one you do believe in. 

If you don't know already Cam has Cerebral Palsy and doctors told him he was destined for a wheelchair. Day by day he improved and upgraded to support walkers. No one ever thought he would be able to walk alone with no support but he did it.

Not only that he was one of the worlds top 10 athletes with Cerebral Palsy which is AWESOME!! Over the years Cam has achieved many things like giving speeches all over the world and he is also an Ambassador for Toyota New Zealand.

Cam is a very inspirational person and somebody who we should all admire. 


Check out these videos and Cam's website!


Tuesday, 6 October 2015

Happy Teacher's Day

In honour of World Teachers' Day yesterday, here's an article celebrating education

5 quotes praising teachers

... and an inspirational video about teachers