This week is Service Week at RI. The Social Changency is celebrating because every class has commited to service initiatives throughout the week.
See the image below to see some highlights of the class service projects!
A student from Room 7 got up early on the final day of Service Week to mow the lawn!
In the syndicate of Rooms 5, 6 and 7 all of the students took part in an initiative to assist the SPCA.
See the image below to see some highlights of the class service projects!
Also, please watch our video!
Here are some examples!
Room 27
Room 25
An original initiative to polish students' school shoes :)
Room 24
in addition to forming cleaning crews to help, students from Room 24 baked special treats to share with the teachers and made special cards for their families.
Room 20
Room 17
The kids went home and offered to do extra work around the house for the week. In return they were happy to be able to give a family member the gift of service and if the family member wanted to make a small contribution they could. With this money we will be purchasing this weekend gifts for the under 2's an sending them to Auckland City Mission.
Here's Jack and Aleyah cleaning and washing cars and Sophie keeping our beaches clean.
A special mention goes out to Linxi from Room 17 who donated a substantial amount of her own hair to donate to the Cancer Society. :)
She is a loyal member of our group we are extra proud of her.
Room 14
They offered a selection of beverages and treats to refresh the teachers on a hot summery day.
Room 13 students created a mural to display in the School Hall during Assembly dedicated to 'Service Week'
Room 11 were encouraged to show service at home and be helpful and in addition some girls brought baking and one student brought a box full of presents for the City Mission
Room 10 students took time to clean computers and iPads.
A student from Room 7 got up early on the final day of Service Week to mow the lawn!
In the syndicate of Rooms 5, 6 and 7 all of the students took part in an initiative to assist the SPCA.
Room 4 promoted their Bake Sale by changing the lyrics to carols that they sang in classrooms throughout the school to encourage everyone to support their charitable cause.
Room 3
Students were reading to under 5 year olds at the ABC Ascot Ave Early Childhood Centre
In Room 1, every student brought in toys to give away to children in need.
and more...