Our Mission Statement

Our Mission Statement

We are an active globally-minded group from Remuera Intermediate School in Auckland New Zealand, that are concerned about the important issues of today. We align ourselves with the values programme of our school and endeavour to make a difference to our school and our community. We will organise special days throughout the year to build awareness of global issues such as the environment and peace. We will concentrate on service and being of benefit to others. Our time to change the world is at our Friday lunchtime meetings with Mr Zemke in the Media Room.

Thursday, 30 May 2019

Enviro and Social Changency COMBINE FORCES!!!!

Enviro Squad and Social Changency COMBINE FORCES!!!!

Because of the fact this term two we all want to have a strong combined focus on spreading messages about caring for the environment.

In addition, on 5 June which is World Environment Day, all students are going to bring a gold coin to wear their own clothes which will go to go to a good cause.

Slideshow about the Himalayan Children's Care Home

Friday, 24 May 2019

Protect the Rainforests

The rainforest occupies only 2% of our world yet holds 52% of our biodiversity, and because of our foresting and over-exploitation, many species are endangered; such as the Sumatran Tiger, Rhinoceros and Elephant; plus the Borneo Elephant.

This has to be stopped, and we must band together to stop deforestation. 

You can help this by planting some trees.
You have a choice.

Stop palm oil and using products that contain palm oil.

The following Brands use Palm oil:
General mills
Reckitt Benckiser  

And the winner for the largest palm oil buyer: Wilmer

Thursday, 23 May 2019

International Day 2019

On Friday May 17th it was R.I's International Day! We all had lots of fun filling up on food, watching the amazing assembly and sharing all of our ethnicities. Some of our highlights from Friday were the amazing home cooking that people brought and the stunning costumes that people wore. Here are some photos of the day

Thank you for all the hard work you have put into the costumes and food. everybody enjoyed themselves.


Global warming is a big threat to our existence. But it is because of us. Pollution, foresting, agricultural space and over exploiting. It is harming our ecosystems and biodiversity. We need to change this as the world you are giving to us. We care, why not you?
Quotes about Jane Goodall
We are continuing to steal the future of our children
“Don’t you actually care? About future generations? If you have children or grandchildren, don’t you care?”

Thursday, 16 May 2019


Since it's anti-bullying week, we have a message for you:
You are valued.
You are special to everyone around you.
You are you.
Nobody can change that.
In the links below are anti bullying messages and race unity speeches.

Tuesday, 14 May 2019

Our Focus for Term 2!

This terms focus is all about the environment. We will be teaming up with the enviro squad to produce something that will remind people about the environment. We will be also posting about: Global warming, the rainforest and endangered species, our oceans, recycling and rubbish, etc.

Please remember that to make the world a better place we must "reduce, reuse and recycle" and care for the planet we live on.

Monday, 13 May 2019

Monday, 6 May 2019

The results of the Race Unity Poster Competition

On Monday 6 May, we presented the Race Unity Poster Competition winners to the school
A huge thank you to everyone who submitted a poster, and the winners...

The Year 7 winners were:
1st place: Micah from Room 15

2nd place:Giuliana from Room 10

3rd place: Greta from Room 10

The Year 8 winners were:
In a joint 1st place; Reshma from Room 4 and Lisa from Room 28

2nd Place:Selma from Room 26

3rd place: Yulia from Room 25

These posters aren't the only good thing; as some other people are standing up for race unity, this person is such a good speaker for race unity.