Our Mission Statement

Our Mission Statement

We are an active globally-minded group from Remuera Intermediate School in Auckland New Zealand, that are concerned about the important issues of today. We align ourselves with the values programme of our school and endeavour to make a difference to our school and our community. We will organise special days throughout the year to build awareness of global issues such as the environment and peace. We will concentrate on service and being of benefit to others. Our time to change the world is at our Friday lunchtime meetings with Mr Zemke in the Media Room.

Friday, 23 August 2019

The best places to plant trees

As we all know, trees are crucial in saving the planet. But now, scientists have identified where best to plant them. The researchers calculated that under the current climate conditions, Earth’s land could support 4.4 billion hectares of continuous tree cover. That is 1.6 billion more than the currently existing 2.8 billion hectares. Of these 1.6 billion hectares, 0.9 billion hectares fulfill the criterion of not being used by humans. This means that there is currently an area of the size of the US available for tree restoration. Once mature, these new forests could store 205 billion tonnes of carbon: about two thirds of the 300 billion tonnes of carbon that has been released into the atmosphere as a result of human activity since the Industrial Revolution.

BTS helps out on UNICEF

BTS went to UNICEF for international friendship day. The UN wanted these famous people to spread a positive message. They did well. It has spread around heaps.

Tuesday, 20 August 2019

Amazing people

Some people really are trying to change the world! Watch these amazing videos about people helping our environment. Number one is Versova beach              (in Mumbai) clean up. It started with one man.  

Number 2 is a city in japan where they have no waste.

Friday, 16 August 2019

The conversation (Placeholder)

Recently, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez met Greta Thunberg for a conversation for a Guardian article (link at end of blog)

One of the main points was, they'd been criticised,was that a 'taboo' is to not politicise children, because that's abusive. (Who decided this? Children can do what they think is right to save the world!)
This is also a very bad point, when in America the Koch brothers have brought most of the fossil fuels.


Thursday, 15 August 2019

Our viewers

Over the last couple of weeks we have taken a look at where the viewers to our blog have come from. The diversity we saw on this page astounded us. 

6,063 people in New Zealand have viewed this page. 
1,670 people from USA have viewed this website. 
Also 943 people from Russia,
 197 from Turkey, 
164 from France. 

Those above are our top 5 countries for views. 

Coming after them are Japan with 158 views,
 144 views from both India and South Korea,
 114 from Ukraine and 101 from Australia. 
That's our top 10 countries that have viewed this website the most. 
Thank you for visiting our site, please tell your friends so we can be visited by more and more countries and we hope you visit us again.

Tuesday, 13 August 2019

Themes in school!

At RI the value for this term is Creativity. So awesome.

For the Social Changency we are planning for our next project which relates to International Day of Peace which happens on 21 September.

Each Year level have different topics that they are learning about.

In year 7 we are learning about immigration, the hardships of it and what happens when you migrate. We are learning about the different types of reasons to migrate, push and pull reasons, and so on.

Here is a great link to a  non profit website GAPMINDER. they basically talk about how the world is doiing economically.  https://www.gapminder.org/