Our Mission Statement

Our Mission Statement

We are an active globally-minded group from Remuera Intermediate School in Auckland New Zealand, that are concerned about the important issues of today. We align ourselves with the values programme of our school and endeavour to make a difference to our school and our community. We will organise special days throughout the year to build awareness of global issues such as the environment and peace. We will concentrate on service and being of benefit to others. Our time to change the world is at our Friday lunchtime meetings with Mr Zemke in the Media Room.

Friday, 29 March 2019

Race Unity Poster Competition 2019

Entries from the Race Unity Poster Competition 2019

Lisa Petrov, Year 8

Maika Bourke, Year 8

Ethan M, Year 8

Isabelle Alexander, Year 8

Yulia, Year 8
Hannah H, Year 8

Amy Akindeju, Year 8

Emily Z, Year 8

Selma Pou, Year 8

Maya Ng, Year 8

Ji Won, Year 8

Alex Reid, Year 8
Reshma, Year 8

Jenna C, Year 8

Zahra, Year 8

Yume, Year 7

Akshara Balaji, Year 7

Maia Bowie, Year 7

Endrica, Erima and Sanuthi, All Year 7s

Keshika, Year 7

Micah Hill-Tupou, Year 7

Anais, Year 7

Giuliana, Year 7

Greta, Year 7

     We offer so much gratitude to everyone who submitted their posters!

Thursday, 28 March 2019


The value of kindness is very valuable after what has happened recently. We all need to think about other people in the world in the nicest way possible. Be friendly to every one you see. Say hi! Give people you care about a nice present. Do what you think make someone smile.

Do you know your neighbours?
Do you help your local community?
Have you done anything you could do to make your community better?

if you answered any of these no, then go and make it a YES!

Wednesday, 27 March 2019

Here are ways to keep calm.

There are many things in life that makes us stressed. So to combat that feeling we need to keep calm. here are some ways to do that...

- stop what you are doing and do some diaphragmatic breathing.
- realise when you are stressed and focus on what you were stressed about.
- close your eyes and imagine your happy place (personal favourite).

Image result for keeping calm young people

Monday, 25 March 2019

Love not hate

Anti-Racism March in Auckland

On Sunday, more than 1,000 Aucklanders marched through Queen Street with the main message being "Love not hate". 

Sunday, 24 March 2019

A week on from the Christchurch massacre

A week has passed since a gunman senselessly killed 50 people at the Al Noor and Linwood Mosques. He sought notoriety and for this reason we shall not name him. His actions do not define the beliefs of the people of New Zealand. 

Since then New Zealand has stood united against racism, people have held hands outside mosques in solidarity.

Lean together. Look out for each other, Claire Inkson writes.

They are us. We are them. 

Thursday, 21 March 2019

21 March is Race Relations Day

Today is the 21st of March, in New Zealand this is known as Race Relations Day.

These are are the Hands for Humanity created by some RI kids with the guidance of Mrs Sturgiss to feel better after the Christchurch tragedy.

These are some images for an initiative called Random acts of kindness! (from Room 14!). They decorated the windows of the Staff Room with messages of love, placed kind messages on notes on the furniture and gave each teacher a bag of sweets.

What a sweet gesture from some very caring students.

Eric Dozier visits Remuera Intermediate School

Still on Monday 18 March

It really was one of those days that works with the phrase 'but wait, there's more', because at school that day we had a really special guest.

Eric Dozier is a Music teacher that lives in Nashville, Tennessee. He is a friend of Mr Zemke and he was invited to run a two-hour singing workshop. He offered a message that music provides healing and is so important for all of us to sing.

'We are the children, the children of light. We sing our light, our light to the world. So powerful is the light of unity, it can illuminate the whole Earth.'

The workshop was attended by 90 RI kids and they learned five songs with movement and actions! 
The Media Crew helped to take photographs and video which we hope to produce into projects that can be shared with Eric.

Thank you Eric for coming to Remuera Intermediate School.

The Social Changency presents at Assembly... Again!

At the same Assembly explained in the recent post, we all stood up at the front of the Hall to support Zach and Alessia to present some slides and show our newly produced video. It was so great to hear the reactions of the students.
It was a really appropriate message after the shocking events from only days before.

We are hoping for more people to follow the group on all its platforms and to submit entries to the Race Unity Poster Competition due at the end of March.
We already have some early entries from some awesome students from RI.

We shared our Instagram too. 

We expect to produce more videos and will be back at Assembly to share them.

Remember, we meet every Friday at 12.15 and anyone is welcome to join The Social Changency.

Wednesday, 20 March 2019

Monday's Assembly Following the Tragic Events in Christchurch

First there was a notice from the Principal -  Mr Brewerton.

He was explaining that there is no right or wrong way to feel about the events in Christchurch some of us may feel nothing whilst could be in tears, it's ok. He also encouraged us to talk to someone about it, whether your family or a teacher; as this is a time to heal and for all New Zealanders to come together.

The Student Council of 2019 were awarded their badges today, They carry messages back and forth back and forth between the students and teachers,  offering suggestions and ideas to make improvements to the school. 
They have a meeting every week with the Deputy Principal Mr Beckett.

There was an opportunity shared, an initiative of the Auckland Blues - that students could donate their worn soccer or rugby boots. These will be collected in the coming weeks.

 This is the bin to put your shoes in. Next to room 11